Saturday, July 28, 2012

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Guess what's going on in the food epidemic kitchen these days

Bread. Lots of bread baking. I'm a little obsessed. I love the idea of creating something so delicious out of just flour, water, salt, and maybe some yeast. I stay up late reading this blog. And watching instructional videos on how to shape loaves of bread. And reading messages on the fresh loaf bread forum- Bread bakers are so nice!


 The bread I've been baking the most is the Tartine country loaf. This has been very much a success! The recipe and instructions are given on Martha Stewart's websitePictured below is the whole wheat variety.

I have also been trying to make baguettes. These are not going quite as well. Somehow my baguette attempts always seem to end in an over-proofed disaster, which makes me grumpy.
First I tried to make baguettes using the recipe in the Tartine bread book. That was a COMPLETE disaster. I was very sad. Luckily, we were taking care of my sister-in-law's dog at the time, who managed to eat 1.5 of the baguette disasters that I baked. 
She's so cute I had to forgive her (see below):

Next I tried using this recipe. The latter mentioned formula was developed by Anis Bouabsa, who was recently named the baker of the best baguette in Paris. My first attempt using his formula was only half of a disaster. The baguettes still didn't shape properly. And I was still grumpy afterwards. Oh well.  
We still managed to make some delicious meatball subs with the bread (sorry, we ate the sandwiches before I could take a picture!). 

I want to try again. I am determined.

In other news, I'm obsessed with iced coffee. I have been using the Japanese iced coffee "on the rocks" method. 

I love this. It's so simple. I grind up 1/3 cup of coffee beans, place them in a filter, place the filter over a mason jar filled with a couple cubes of ice, and then pour approximately 1 cup of boiling water through the filter on top of the ice. It's so delicious. And I love being able to use a mason jar. It's super convenient. You can screw the lid on and you're set to travel.

Which reminds me: G. bought me a "cuppow." It's awesome. It's a drinking lid that you place on a mason jar.  It essentially turns a mason jar into a sippy cup!  Next I'm going to buy the straw-friendly version.

Alright, it's 11:30 and I am supposed to wake up early tomorrow. So that's all for now.